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The new Beijing beckons
Here, you are surrounded by optimistic and enthusiastic young people with the zeal to do well not only in China, but in the globalised world.
The cost of telling the truth
It takes courage to stand one’s ground, but the greatest reward is the ability to sleep at night, knowing that one’s conscience is clear.
Where's the justice now?
Many Muslims are quick to defend their religion as one of peace, but very often words are not enough because the actions that many Muslims do in the name of Islam are neither peaceful nor just.
The value of human dignity
The importance of respecting a person’s dignity is also tied to respecting their bodily integrity.
Focus on positive things we can do
The voiceless and powerless are further discriminated by divisive issues.
Time for restraint, reflection and respect
It is also the time to show the strength of our faith, our spirit and our discipline.
Working together to find 'cures'
Many issues cut across boundaries and require several different ministries to cooperate in order to find solutions instead of only working in isolation.
It’s a crime against women
How can we call ourselves moderate when after 56 years of never whipping women we now want to engage in public spectacles of such a barbaric nature?
Of toilets and political responses
Politics is not going to solve all our problems. Our dirty toilet habits are our own and we only have ourselves to blame, not others, nor the Government.
Improving education
There are still many problems in our education system yet the reforms needed are moving at a glacial pace, compared with the world our children will grow up in.
It’s war – mostly online
We should be grateful that the war of words doesn’t actually spill blood becauseotherwise the cyber sphere would be strewn with dead bodies by now. Still, theremust be a lot of wounded.
My shopping list
Though nobody has officially announced the date of the generalelection, an official announcement now seems redundant assome have already been campaigning for about two years.