IN life, continuous learning and reminders of history is important. Continuous learning is important so that ignorance does not blind us nor do we keep using antiquated methods to manage today’s life. History can make us understand and appreciate our current circumstances. History reminds us that once upon a time, nations were ruled by Kings, Queens and the few aristocrats. Monarchies were not necessarily bad but it involved little or no involvement of ordinary citizens in the governance and management of the country.
As if global political evolution, monarchies gave way to greater citizen’s involvement. Among the more popular political system that arose is one called democracy. There are many different types and “degrees” of democracies in the world today. However, one thing they all have in common is the participation of citizens in shaping the destiny of the nation. The degree of citizen participation differs. If democracy is about the citizens’ constructive and productive participation, then the greater the opportunities for citizen participation, the greater is the degree of democracy. It is important for us to understand the concept of citizen participation in shaping the destiny of the nation. It means that we have a shared active responsibility towards nation building.