Vietnamese woman gets nine years for kidnapping two underaged girls to film porn

Pham Huynh Nhat Vi, 21, when arrested at an apartment building in HCM City on April 8, 2024. — Courtesy of HCM City Police

HCM CITY: A 21-year-old Vietnamese woman has been sentenced to nine years in prison for kidnapping two young girls, aged three and seven, for pornographic filming for money.

The Family and Juvenile Court of HCM City People’s Court on Wednesday (Aug 7) sentenced Pham Huynh Nhat Vi to three years and six months for abusing individuals under 16 for pornographic purposes, and five years and six months for their abduction.

In addition, the woman from the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Tien Giang was ordered to pay VNĐ80 million (US$3,200) in compensation to the victims.

The trial was held privately to protect the victims’ identities.

The court found that Vi, who met a foreign man named Richard through a dating app back in October 2023, was persuaded by him to lure girls aged six to 12 for pornographic filming for money.

After receiving US$500 from the man in early April, Vi enticed the minors with money and food, right at the popular pedestrian street Nguyen Hue in HCM City, ultimately leading them to an apartment rented by Richard where she recorded 12 pornographic videos for him over several days.

The police rescued the girls on April 9.

Richard, who remains unidentified and resides in the US, has been identified as the mastermind of the operation.

The HCM City Police have requested judicial assistance from the US Department of Justice for further investigation.

The two girls are currently in safe and stable condition, according to local authorities. — Vietnam News/ANN

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Vietnam , kidnap , porn , filming , underaged girls


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