Tuberculosis (TB) cases have been steadily rising in Bhutan over the past five years, making it a major public health concern.
In 2024, Bhutan recorded 920 cases, including 66 cases of drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), with 36 fatalities.
According to the health ministry, of the total 920, 602 were pulmonary TB, while 318 were extra-pulmonary TB.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that nearly 4,000 people die from TB daily, with close to 28,000 falling ill each day.
In Bhutan, TB remains a significant challenge among the economically active population.
About 83% of cases occur in individuals aged 15-44.
The rise in drug-resistant TB and the complexities of treatment pose growing concerns.
Health officials said that TB not only reduces productivity but also places a heavy economic burden on affected individuals, as treatment is extensive.
“TB spreads easily when an infected person coughs or sneezes, expelling bacteria into the air,” said a doctor.
Although case detection rates and treatment success have improved, MDR-TB cases continue to rise.
Slow contact tracing and limited diagnostic facilities have contributed to this detection gap.
The ministry has strengthened detection efforts among close contacts of TB and MDR-TB patients.
Bhutan has set an ambitious goal to eliminate TB as a public health problem by 2030.
Despite robust health interventions, TB remains a major public health issue in Bhutan, affecting both urban and rural communities.
According to the Health Bulletin 2024, TB cases are particularly high among young adults aged 15-24, with 72 males and 98 females diagnosed with pulmonary TB. — Kuensel/ANN