CIMB Group CEO Datuk Abdul Rahman Ahmad
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Group Holdings Bhd is hosting its annual flagship event The Cooler Earth Sustainability Summit from Sept 11-21, 2023, themed "Sustainability in Action: Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow”.
The hybrid Summit will be broadcast virtually and is accessible to everyone at no cost, in order to enable capacity-building among a wider audience from the Asean region.
In a statement, the bank said this year’s summit aims to connect businesses with key players from across the public and private sectors as well as civil society, to hear from global and regional experts and better understand the multitude of opportunities arising from the shift towards a greener economy and more equitable society.
“The Cooler Earth Summit this year will underscore how businesses of all scales can tap into opportunities within the rapidly evolving economic landscape, as part of the accelerating shift towards sustainable economies.
“The creation of more resilient, low-carbon and inclusive economies will require collaborative action and innovative solutions from all stakeholders, and we hope to highlight how businesses can stay ahead of the curve and position themselves at the forefront of this swift and inevitable transition,” group chief executive officer Datuk Abdul Rahman Ahmad said.
“As a purpose-driven organisation and an aspiring Asean sustainability leader, we are committed to playing our part to accelerate the growth and adoption of sustainable practices among businesses and communities alike,” he added.
The Cooler Earth Summit 2023 is open to all and participation is free-of-charge. For more details visit https://coolerearth.cimb.com.