Famous Indian actor Yash, who made a name for himself in the blockbuster film KGF, will meet his fans in Malaysia at an event to be held in the capital on July 8.
He will be the special guest at the launch event of the second MS Gold boutique owned by Malik Streams Corporation at Jalan Masjid India, in Kuala Lumpur.
Founder and CEO of the company, Datuk Abdul Malik Dasthigeer, stated that the presence of actor Yash, also known as Naveen Kumar Gowda, will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the opening of their new store, which showcases an exclusive and elegant collection of gold.
"MS Gold made its debut at Jalan Masjid India with the opening of our first store on April 1, and due to the encouraging response from buyers, we have made the decision to open a second store at the same location," he said in a statement.
Yash, who has 14 million followers on Instagram, 1.3 million on Twitter, and 8.5 million on Facebook, began his career as an Indian actor around 2004 and achieved great success through the film KGF Chapter 1 around 2018. – Bernama