At the start of each year, people in many countries take up the “Dry January” challenge.
This consists of not drinking any alcohol during the month of January – something that can be a huge change in the daily lives of some individuals.
The aim of this challenge is to regain control of their alcohol consumption and enjoy the joys of sobriety, including certain health benefits, such as better sleep and better hydration – at least on a temporary basis.
While some individuals manage to make it to the end of the month without giving in to temptation, others give up during the month.
For these people, there may be another alternative: “Damp January”.
This generally involves drinking only on special occasions such as birthdays, weddings or going-away parties.
It also involves reducing the number of drinks compared to what would normally be consumed.
For example, if you usually drink three glasses of wine at a wedding, limit yourself to just one this time.
This way, you can enjoy the evening sober, without worrying about a hangover the next day.
You can also make a calendar designating certain days as sober ones, for instance, drinking only every other day, or even less.
“‘Dry January’ is not about getting people to stop drinking altogether – it’s to give them control over their drinking,” stresses England’s Brighton and Sussex Medical School psychologist Richard de Visser in the columns of the Washington Post.
Even reducing alcohol consumption can have beneficial effects for your body.
In fact, studies show that a slight reduction in alcohol consumption can lead to improvements in blood pressure, mental health and liver health.
It can also reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
And you may even notice improvements in your sleep, concentration, energy levels and skin. – AFP Relaxnews