Heart and Soul: The art of ageing gracefully

A smile has the power to brighten our own spirits and spread joy to those around us. Photo: 123rf.com

As seniors, we find ourselves at a unique stage in life, filled with wisdom and a wealth of experiences. It’s important to reflect on our journey and consider how we can make the most of our remaining years. Let us age gracefully and embark on a path that brings us fulfilment and happiness.

We all have an expiration date on this Earth, regardless of who we are. Therefore, before we bid our final farewell, let us reshape our thinking to live life to the fullest, recognising that what brings fulfilment may vary for each individual.

First and foremost, a good life is one where we acknowledge and appreciate the blessings and contentment that surround us. Above all, it is about finding happiness.

As Robert G. Ingersoll eloquently stated, “The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others happy.” Happiness is a choice – a choice we must make wisely.

Abraham Lincoln wisely noted, “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

The key to happiness lies in maintaining a positive mindset.

For us seniors and retirees, each morning we wake up should be seen as a privilege – an opportunity to embrace being “alive and kicking”. Every new day is a bonus, a day to look forward to with anticipation. We have a significant degree of control over how our life story unfolds during our remaining years on this Earth.

Let us treasure and enjoy what we currently have – our health, happiness, state of mind, our loved ones, and even the financial resources we possess. We should feel blessed, thankful and content in the present moment. Let us remember that there are millions of individuals yearning to be in our shoes.

One of the essential factors in ageing gracefully is maintaining good health. When we prioritise our well-being, we hold the whole world in our hands. Adopting a healthy lifestyle means regular exercise, eating nutritious food while avoiding excessive sugar and salt intake, and abstaining from harmful habits like excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. No medication can provide the same health benefits as regular physical activity.

Another valuable lesson I’ve learned is the importance of kindness and treating others with the same respect we desire. We should never take things for granted, even the simplest aspects of life, such as eating, sleeping or breathing. Just speak to an individual who has recovered from a severe illness like Covid-19, and they will tell you never to take the ability to breathe for granted.

How often do we find ourselves smiling? In today’s serious and busy world, we often forget to smile or laugh. But let us learn to laugh more, even at ourselves. A smile has the power to brighten our own spirits and spread joy to those around us. Smile, and the whole world smiles with you.

Our ultimate goal is to become better individuals, leaving this world with contentment and peace in our hearts. We wish to be happy and lead balanced lives. Unfortunately, many individuals overlook or lose sight of the small joys in life in their relentless pursuit of wealth, power and glory. Regrettably, this path seldom leads to true contentment. Let us be grateful for what we have, express gratitude to God, and resist the urge to constantly seek greater riches at great expense and sacrifice.

It is vital to review and analyse how we can make the most of our limited time on this Earth. Let us make peace with ourselves, reflect on our true identities, and express gratitude for what we already have. Learning to let go, forgiving and forgetting, and shedding the emotional baggage we carry are essential for a fulfilling life.

If we are fortunate enough to be blessed with great wealth, let us become philanthropists, knowing that our resources can be better utilised to uplift the lives of the less fortunate.

Before we depart from this world, let us learn to give back to society, especially if we are healthy and financially independent. Volunteering our services to charitable organisations or non-governmental organisations (NGOs) whose causes we believe in can be a fulfilling endeavour. A sign outside a temple reads, “Extending one’s hand to help somebody has more value than joining two hands in prayer.” So let us make a difference in someone’s life, be it through a helping hand, a kind word, or a selfless act.

Whether it’s volunteering at soup kitchens or offering a helping hand, let us give more than we take, and make a conscious effort to touch the lives of ordinary Malaysians. Let us cultivate humility and openness, liberating ourselves from anger, envy and pride. We should cherish friendships and strengthen relationships.

As for the environment, let us endeavour to protect Mother Earth for the sake of our future generations. Our children and their children deserve to enjoy the same greenery and beauty that we have cherished. In my personal mission, I am committed to fighting to save Bukit Kiara and preserve its natural beauty, ensuring that it remains a sanctuary for all.

We must contemplate how soon we are ready to press the “reset” button, reevaluating our current thinking and approach to life. The sooner we embark on this journey, the better.

Let’s embrace the joys of ageing and live the rest of our lives to the fullest. Cherish the present moment, prioritise our health and well-being, foster meaningful connections, and engage in activities that bring us happiness and fulfilment.

Let us leave a positive impact on the world and be remembered for the love, deeds and kindness we have shown. Together, let us create a vibrant and joyful senior community, where each day is a blessing and every moment is filled with purpose.

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