Katz Tales: When a neighbouring cat acts up, our cat plunges into action

Tic Tac cleaning her claws after her adventure. Photo: Ellen Whyte

Ever since we started giving Tic Tac a treat when our neighbour Spot the Kitty visits, she's looked on the intruder with a kinder eye.

We're not surprised because Tic Tac is a joyful cat who dances through life with verve and enthusiasm. When we accidentally trip over her, she purrs and loves us anyway.

So we thought it was fixed. What we didn't consider is that naughty Spot is a tease.

Instead of taking his snack and moving on, our guest stood underneath the kitchen window meowing. It was clearly a jeer.

Tic Tac stood on the washing machine, ears pinned back with annoyance. We picked her up and distracted her. But Spot returned the next day and did it again.

From his cheeky expression, he was tickled by the sight of Tic Tac puffing up and hissing. Spot is a big boy, a bruiser, and, with Tic Tac's girlish display of temper and the window separating them, he let rip his inner bully.

Tic Tac fumed. As Spot meowed up at her, she scrabbled at the window and growled. She was dying to slap away his sneer.

Naughty Spot loves to tease.Naughty Spot loves to tease.

The window is difficult to unlock. Also, we push the latch well down. None of the cats has ever managed to open it.

Well, our clever Tic Tac put a dainty paw on the latch and stamped with all her might. Spot's wicked meow turned into a wail. Tac's hiss became a howl. Then, with horror, we heard the slats slide apart.

Tom and I rushed into the kitchen but we were too late. Slim little Tic Tac slid between the glass, through the iron rails, and landed right in front of Spot.

While Tom produced the back gate keys with lightning speed, I saw Spot raise his paw. "Don't you dare," I told him.

Spot glanced at me, torn between bashing our girl and knowing I'm bigger than he is. But, his expression said I was stuck behind the glass.

Tic Tac shrieked defiance. Her tail was straight up, every hair on end. With her ears flattened, and a ripple of fur raised along her spine, she looked like a fuzzy stegosaurus.

It was a fine display but I know our girl. Her widening eyes revealed burgeoning nerves. She had confronted her enemy, which was only proper, but she was also outside with unending sky above her and dirty leaves underneath her pristine paws.

Usually the back gate sticks but Tom worked magic. Within seconds, it swung open. I hurtled out, just in time to see Spot raise his paw. Tic Tac, our brave warrior princess, raised hers too.

It might have been carnage but Spot isn't daft. Seeing me, he backed up rapidly, one eye on me and one on Tic Tac. At my, "Go home, you naughty boy," he skedaddled.

Tic Tac shook with equal parts rage and fear. It's dangerous to pick up an angry cat. Target loses his mind when he's battling and needs to be walked home gently. But Tic Tac took one look at me and said, meep. It's her kitten sound.

I stroked her ears, super-hot with nerves, and lifted her up. She pushed her nose in my neck and then, knowing she was safe, she shivered.

I petted her, took her inside, and when she lifted her head again, she was in her own kitchen, away from the threatening sky and grubby leaves. When Tom stroked her and murmured comfort, she perked up.

Inkie was waiting, attracted by the ruckus. He ran straight over, sniffing Tic Tac over with interest.

When he licked her ears, she purred. He nosed her paws, fascinated by the scent of the great outdoors. Tic Tac shook herself and realised she was the star of a marvellous adventure.

When Target ambled in and licked her ears in congratulation, Tic Tac preened. The two boys fussed over her, fuelling her pride. She bathed in their admiration, deftly cleaned her whiskers, and removed every speck of dirt from her paws.

Inkie jumped on the counter and looked outside. No sign of Spot. Tic Tac checked too. From her air of pride, she decided she had vanquished him.

She pranced along, nipped Inkie playfully on the shoulder, and then they kicked up their heels, racing through the house.

Tom and I were left contemplating the windows. Tic Tac had already forgotten her terror and from now on she would be out whenever tempted.

Also, she'd teach Inkie. While he's huge, he's clever, agile and capable of squeezing through tight gaps.

Examining the windows, we noted the metal rails behind the glass. They terrify us because they will trap us inside if there's a fire. However, we have put them to good use. We have tied the latch to them with the aid of some ribbon.

It's worked a treat. I've tried leaning on the latch and it won't give an inch.

While Tic Tac is safe inside, I expect Spot will recover his cheek. I expect the temptation to tease Tic Tac will overwhelm him again.

It puts me in mind of the scene in Monty Python's The Holy Grail, where the French in the castle are taunting the English outside with insults, "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."

He's a nice boy, the naughty streak isn't malicious, but I'm discouraging Spot's visits by withholding treats. He can go and eat at home.

Adopt Me

Mama is four years old, being born in March 2019. This sweet Siamese lady had a lovely home with an adoring owner. Unfortunately, they had to let Mama and her four cat mates go.

Mama is bereft and looking for a new owner to love her. She is an indoor cat, very pampered and chatty. Other than that, she's a chill cat that enjoys spending quiet time with a human.

As she is an older cat, she's less active and is more calm. She gets along with other cats too.

Photo: PAWS/Celine ChumPhoto: PAWS/Celine Chum

Interested adopters please ask for Mama, Tag Number: C173 (2023.03.20) at Paws Animal Welfare Society, Lot 93316 – 93317, Jalan PJU 1A/20, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor (tel +6011-2193 5651, GPS: LNG 101.570268, LAT 3.123971).

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