Whatever the occasion, you always want something to wear when you need it – and without having to sift through piles of clothes. If choosing an outfit tends to give you major headaches, building a capsule wardrobe might be the answer.
A capsule wardrobe is a minimalist collection of 30 to 40 carefully curated items of clothing which can be combined with each another, allowing you to easily put together different outfits.
"A capsule wardrobe makes sense for everyone, since many people wear only 5% of the clothes they own," says Berlin-based personal shopper Andrea Lakeberg.
For many of us, it is that one jacket, that one shirt or blouse, that one pair of pants which we really like to wear.
A capsule wardrobe is built precisely around those favourite items and can be easily created by following five simple steps.
Clear out your closet
Every capsule wardrobe starts with clearing things out. The easiest way to do it is by removing all your clothes from your wardrobe. Sort out anything you no longer like, items which don't fit as well as anything that's damaged. Only put back the clothes you wear regularly.
"What's important is that you feel good in your clothes," says Charlotte Schueler, author of a book called My Sustainable Wardrobe.
It's also important that you like how you look in the clothes you decide to keep.
"If you are unsure about individual items, try to put together an outfit with them," Schueler says.
This will help you make a decision. Alternatively, keep the items you're unsure about for another month.
Schueler recommends hanging them upside down on hangers. After each time you've worn something, hang it up the right way to keep track of which clothes you've actually worn.
Another approach is to put clothing items you're not sure about in a box. If you don't miss them after a while, chances are you'll be okay to toss them.
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Choosing the basics
As a general rule, 80% to 90% of the clothes that remain in your wardrobe should be items that can be combined with each other. The easiest way to achieve this is by choosing matching colours and patterns.
Schueler recommends sticking to three to five basic colours depending on your skin type.
Although it might seem safest, according to Lakeberg, "you don't have to go for dark colours".
While it might be a little more difficult to build a capsule wardrobe with flashy colours, it's possible. By the way, socks, tights and underwear are not included in your 30 to 40 items, but shoes are.
Pick accessories
Your capsule wardrobe can now be enhanced with accessories – from jewellery to scarves that underline your personal style.
"Your accessories should be as different as possible," says Schueler. Instead of picking three similar scarves, go for one in a striking colour that sets it apart from the other items in your wardrobe.
Adapt to your needs
Schueler says she builds a new capsule wardrobe every three months according to the seasons.
She picks 35 items per season, storing the clothes she's not using in boxes.
The fashion expert recommends keeping any work outfits or exercise clothes in your wardrobe as well. "Your wardrobe must fit your lifestyle," she says.
The result could be more items, says Lakeberg. "If you have to wear a suit at work, you can't manage with 30 pieces."
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Shop sustainably
To ensure that you can enjoy your capsule wardrobe for a long time, you should look for high-quality items that are durable and keep their shape.
However, even the best quality will wear out with time, as you will be wearing the items frequently, Lakeberg says. "Then the item should be replaced." – dpa