Selayang residents to get their say on assessment rate hike

Shahman: 44,029 property owners in Selayang had filed their objections regarding the assessment rate hike.

SELAYANG Municipal Council (MPS) will hear objections raised by Selayang residents regarding the assessment rate hike starting July 1.

MPS president Shahman Jalaludin said the hearing session would run until Aug 30.

There were 44,029 property owners in Selayang who objected before May 31.

He said MPS had sent the invitations to these homeowners on June 25, and advised them to check their emails and SMS regularly so as not to miss the session.

“They can also check the MPS portal for the scheduled date and location of the hearing,” he said during the MPS full board meeting yesterday.

Shahman added that the objections would be heard by a panel comprising MPS deputy president Adi Faizal Ahmad Tarmizi, three councillors, relevant department directors and himself.

“The results from the hearing session will be forwarded to the state government in September to make the final decision.

“We expect at least 50% of the objectors to attend the session,” he said.

Objectors are required to bring their invitation letters, copies of their latest assessment bills and MyKad for the session, while representatives of the objectors will need to show their authorisation letters.

Shahman said as of May 31, MPS had collected RM54.11mil in assessment, which was equivalent to 92.49% of the expected RM58.5mil.

He said RM5.25mil in assessment arrears were also collected, which was equivalent to 49.13% of the total RM10.68mil in arrears.

“The council will continue to step up its promotional efforts through various channels to smoothen the tax paying procedures,” he added.

He also said 25,598 and 18,796 seizure warrants were processed and issued respectively, as of May 31.

As of April 15, he said owners with more than RM200 in assessment arrears would be issued a seizure warrant of RM100.

Meanwhile, the MPS Local Investigation and Hearing Committee will hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss the outcome of the Publicity and Public Objection Programme held in conjunction with the MPS Draft Local Plan (Replacement) 2030.

Adi Faizal said the programme, held from Jan 8 to Feb 23, had heard views from various stakeholders.

“We aim to harmonise the development rate of all the zones under MPS’ jurisdiction through the draft plan.

“All the outcomes of the meeting will be forwarded to the State Planning Committee for further improvement of the draft plan,” he said.

On a separate matter, Shahman said MPS had generated RM568,111 in revenue in May through business licence payments, stall rentals, building permits, and compounds, to name a few.

“A total of 1,524 online transactions were made through the MyMPS portal in May,” he said.

“The numbers here do not include physical transactions made at MPS counters.

“MPS has also upgraded the portal to make it a one- stop-centre for all services and transactions as part of our digitalisation efforts,” Shahman added.

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