Old boys raising funds for school

(From left) Charanjit, Selvarajah, Ho and Surendran holding the 32nd reunion dinner cards which are now for sale. — RAJA FAISAL HISHAN/The Star

Klang Lasallians organising 32nd reunion dinner for students’ welfare, sporting needs

Former students of SMK La Salle, Klang in Selangor are organising an annual dinner to raise funds for their alma mater.

Old Lasallians Association of Klang (Olak) is calling on former students to lend support to the 32nd reunion dinner.

To be held on Oct 26, the event aims to strengthen fellowship among former students and raise funds for the school.

Olak secretary K. Selvarajah, 67, said the money raised would also support the welfare needs of students.

These include contributions to student achievement celebrations and funding of examination workshops for candidates.

“We want to help with the second phase of the school field rehabilitation works.

“The first phase cost over RM100,000. In the second phase, the track needs to be upgraded.

“Students use the field for hockey and football practise,” said Selvarajah who had served in the government sector.

Olak vice-president Datuk Surendran Menon said the alumni was hoping to provide jerseys and equipment for the school’s football, hockey, basketball, badminton and athletics teams.

“We are hoping to raise at least RM50,000 from the dinner.

“Most importantly, come for the camaraderie,” he said, adding that another Olak fundraiser in the form of a 5km Run for Fun was planned for November.

Menon, who was also the school’s head prefect in 1979, recalls the strong support he received from students and teachers.

He credits former principal Brother Cassian Pappu for imparting leadership qualities that held him in good stead later on.

“I witnessed my principal bring to life his idea for a three-storey building in the school.

“He said we needed to plan well to raise the money.

“He went on to raise funds through many activities and eventually, the building went up, and is still standing tall today.

“I am ever grateful for these life lessons,” said Surendran who went on to become an entrepreneur in the construction industry.

Olak president Ho King Min from the Class of 1972 described his student years as the best.

“As students, we were colour blind, fostered strong friendships and still remain friends.

“The missionary brothers such as Brother Harold Reynold, who was our former headmaster, walked around the school with a cane.

“Brother Julian Xavier and teacher Anthony Francis Lopez were all strict, but they instilled good values among the students,” said Ho who was a banker.

He said most of the Lasallian brothers supported music education and were active in the school band as well.

Olak organising chairman Charanjit Singh recalled how Brother David Liow who would ask each class to set their own average of exam grades.

“We had to set a realistic class average grade and failure to meet that grade would result in caning,” said Charanjit who went on to work in the engineering field.

He reminisced how discipline was stressed upon and parents were supportive of the school.

The friendships built over the years have been kept strong through events such as reunion dinners, he said.

Those interested to attend the dinner can call 016-223 7453 (Charanjit).

The dinner tables are priced at RM1,500, RM3,000, RM5,000 and RM10,000.

The event will be held at Top Glove Tower, Setia Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor.

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