GROUPS have lauded the state government’s initiative in setting up the Johor Integrated Complaints Centre (JICC) as it will help improve public service efficiency.
Johor Tourist Guides Association chairman Jimmy Leong said the state government’s move to set up the centre to address issues raised by the people was a good step.
“Having an integrated complaints centre is the right move and if it is proven to be a success here, it can be emulated by other states,” he said.
Leong added that the JICC would also allow the state government to monitor the situation on the ground.
Pertubuhan Gagasan Rakyat Bumi Johor chairman S. Deva, 48, welcomed the centre and hoped it would able to address infrastructure issues in the state.
“When there is a pothole or street lights that are not working, the public do not know where to channel their complaints to.
“Even when they do, some government departments or agencies will claim that the affected area is not under their jurisdiction.
“When this happens, it annoys the public, causing many to complain on social media just to get our leaders’ attention,” he added.
Deva hopes that with the JICC being established soon, it will reduce red tape and ensure all agencies are proactive in handling public complaints.
Johor Consumers Movement Association chairman Md Salleh Sadijo noted that some agencies and ministries already had a dedicated channel for the public to lodge complaints.
“I hope that with the existence of this centre, there will be no overlap of complaints because there are already many dedicated complaints platform for the people.
“The state must specify what types of complaints can be filed through the JICC. This will allow the relevant agencies to properly handle it,” he added.
During the tabling of Johor Budget 2025 on Nov 21, 2024, Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi announced that the state government had allocated RM1.5mil to develop the JICC in phases.
“The state government is committed to closely monitoring the implementation of this initiative, with direct supervision from the Johor Mentri Besar Office.
“It is an important step to prove that the voice of the people is really heard and acted upon accordingly.
“Hopefully this initiative can provide relief to the people in Johor and become a catalyst for solving problems more efficiently,” Onn Hafiz said.