On the ground: Trump greeting attendees after a campaign appearance. A team of meme-makers has been flooding social media with pro-Trump posts riddled with sexist and racist tropes, and the former president is cheering them on. — ©2023 The New York Times Company
THE video, called “Let’s Get Ready to Bumble”, is a slick mash-up of US President Joe Biden’s verbal slip-ups and his stumbles set to a thumping 1990s dance track. And when it was played on a big screen at Trump rallies, it consistently drew laughs and jeers from the crowd.
But Donald Trump thought he could improve it. So the former president asked an adviser to pass along a few notes to one of the video’s creators: it should include a clip of the president falling off a bicycle, he suggested, and another of him flubbing a line in a recent speech.
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