Amazing discovery: The main writing on the cave walls reads as follows: 1. The temple of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin in Malaysia. 2. Devotion to the Lotus Sutra. 3. May all beings under the heavens and within the four seas live in accordance with the Wonderful Dharma. May peace spread throughout the country by establishing the True Dharma. 4. Establishment of this temple/ Invoke to the Dragon Gods/ September 1913. 5. Established by Baba Chosei/Supported by Haraguchi Komakichi/Haraguchi Tatsu.
IPOH: Konnichiwa! Well, the Japanese writing on the wall did not say “hello” but there is much history on the cave walls in Gunung Datok, Tambun, here.
The cave, where the Japanese writings were discovered, is believed to have once housed a temple started by a Nichiren Shu priest.