KUALA LUMPUR: The Hari Raya season is upon us and though Malaysians are unable to uphold our annual traditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we can look forward to the annual showreel of festive commercials.
As movement restrictions have put a halt to gatherings and celebrations this year, Malaysians can expect these pandemic-friendly festive commercials to trigger nostalgia and sentiments that make us feel connected even when most of us are apart as we welcome the season that is all about faith, forgiveness, friendship and family.
Star Media Group has rounded up a selection of commercials – from classic productions that inspire, to hilarious tales that entertain – which are certain to bring a smile and remind us that happiness is always there to be found.
To pay tribute to these entertaining yet meaningful festive commercials, Star Media Group invites fellow Malaysians to join in the fun of voting for the most engaging Raya commercial this year that reflects the soul of the nation.
To take part, all you need to do is follow these simple steps:
1. Watch: Go to https://sites.thestar.com.my/rayavideo2021/ and watch the compilation of Raya commercials.
2. Vote: Log in to vote for your favourite videos – you are allowed to cast your vote three times a day.
3. Answer: After casting your daily votes, answer a simple question to stand a chance to win exclusive Star Media Group merchandise. The winners with the most creative and heartfelt entries will be notified via email on May 28.
4. Repeat: You may return and vote as many times as you wish throughout the campaign period until May 20. The results will be announced on May 28.
Scan QR code to vote for your favourite Raya video