IPOH: Five men were charged in the Magistrate’s Court here with the murder of a man whose body was found floating in Sungai Kinta, Pasir Puteh, on May 26.
However, no plea was recorded from the accused, aged between 26 and 40, after the charge was read out to them before Magistrate Nur Melati Diana Abd Wahab as the case comes under the jurisdiction of the High Court.
S. Jeyenthiran, 34, S. Simeon, 31, Basharuddin Hammersla, 26, T.Selvamani, 40, and V. Thiruganesh, 36, together with two other individuals still at large, are alleged to have murdered A. Preshna, 40, in Jalan Che Puteh, between 7.30am and 5.30pm, on May 23.
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