THERE are no plans to vet or introduce content classification in order to stop or allow users from accessing any form of mobile applications or social media platforms, says Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil.
“However, regarding any applications that clearly infringe existing laws, such as committing fraud, impersonation or scamming, appropriate action will be taken, including blocking the application in question from being used by social media users.
“The enforcement action that is carried out by the government is based on public complaints as well as those who are affected, as well as on the existing laws,” he said in reply to a question from P. Prabakaran (PH-Batu) during Question Time.
Prabakaran had asked the ministry to state whether the government has any intention of reviewing its decision to allow the use of applications such as Telegram, WeChat, MiChat and several other apps that were deemed negative influences on the youth.
Fahmi said that if there are any parties or individuals who were found to have uploaded content that is against the law, legal action could be taken against the individual but not the platform provider.
On a question regarding the government’s intention to allow more youths in the rural areas to make full use of social media to promote their creative content, Fahmi said the government, through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, had established 911 Digital Economy Centres (PEDi) across the country, with more expected to be set up to boost the digital economy.