Grandparents of teen who abused dog harassed

JOHOR BARU: The mother whose teenage son was filmed abusing stray dogs has begged the public to stop harassing her family, including her elderly parents.

Carene Ng, 40, said she and her son are prepared to face the public’s outrage but it is unfair to get other family members and friends involved.

“No one in their right mind will not be angry when they see animals being treated in such a way.

“As a mother, I know that I am also responsible for my son’s mistake.

“You can let off your frustration at us but please, do not harass my family members, relatives and friends,” she said, adding that her parents, in their 70s, have been receiving phone calls and messages from strangers.

Ng’s son, Braden Yap, 18, has made a public apology through a 45-second video on Facebook.

Cruel and unusual: Yap caught on CCTV setting fire to the dog in Johor Baru.Cruel and unusual: Yap caught on CCTV setting fire to the dog in Johor Baru.

“I understand no matter how I explain, I should not have done that. I admit that it is my mistake.

“I am very sorry and promise to not make a similar mistake in the future. I hope that everyone can give me another chance.

“I will also pay for the medical expenses (of the injured dogs),” he said in the video posted on Facebook yesterday.

The teenager was captured on closed-circuit television abusing stray dogs multiple times by throwing items at them and even setting one on fire.

His actions have sparked anger, with many people condemning him for hurting the animals.

Ng said her son had apologised and gave his full cooperation in the investigation.

“I understand that many may not accept our apologies and that is okay. But my only request is to stop disturbing our friends and relatives as they have nothing to do with this case,” she added.

Johor Baru North acting OCPD Supt Fariz Ammar Abdullah said the Veterinary Services Department has recorded statements from the suspect and that he would be charged at the Johor Baru court on Monday.

The case is being investigated under Section 29(1)(e) of the Animal Welfare Act 2015, which carries a fine of between RM25,000 and RM100,000, or imprisonment of up to three years, or both, if found guilty.

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