WHEREVER you are, Hari Raya Aidilfitri will not be complete without ketupat. This traditional dish is a must have for revellers, not only as a festive delicacy but also as a decoration.
Ketupat is made from rice or glutinous rice that is wrapped in a woven palm leaf casing before it is boiled.
According to studies, there are thousands of weaving styles for ketupat.
The ketupat weavings also have their own symbolisms and implied meanings.
For instance, the weaving of ketupat is said to represent human faults and sins while the white content (`rice or glutinous rice) symbolises cleanliness and the purity of the heart asking for forgiveness.
Today, ketupat has become a popular symbol for Hari Raya but what many may not realise is that it also has a strong historical tradition.
Believed to originate from Jawa, Indonesia, ketupat was also a festive delicacy then.
In the olden days, the Javanese would weave ketupat and gift them to their elders as a symbol of respect and friendship during the festive season.
Find out more about ketupat here.