INDONESIAN celebrity Krisdayanti had changed her name to Kris Dayanti in April out of respect and love for her late father, reported Astro Awani.The singer and politician said she wanted to be addressed by her official name in her identification card as it was given by her beloved father.
“I changed my first name to Krisdayanti as it was a catchier stage name and made business dealings easier,” she said as reported by Indonesian news outlet Detik.com.
“But ever since my father passed, I have become more appreciative of my original name and decided to change it back to Kris Dayanti.
“It was a way of honouring my late father.”
> Wife of popular actor Hafidz Roshdi has announced she had a miscarriage after being pregnant for 14 weeks, reported Sinar Harian.
In a video uploaded on Instagram, Nurul Shuhada said one of the causes of her miscarriage was due to overwhelming stress and not taking her antidepressant medication.
“I had a miscarriage after being 14 weeks’ pregnant and I hope everyone can pray for me and my family as we mourn our lost child.”
She said she had to announce her miscarriage on Instagram to dispel rumours that she had intentionally aborted her baby.
“I am sharing this sad news because I had heard rumours claiming I had aborted the baby intentionally.
“To dispel these baseless allegations, my family and lawyer advised me to announce the sad news publicly,” she said, having told the public she was 10 weeks’ pregnant with her third child on April 13.
On Feb 27, Nurul filed for a divorce from husband Hafidz at the Shah Alam Lower Syariah Court as agreed by both families.
Nurul’s sister, who wanted to be known as Sofia, said Hafidz had uttered the talak (proclamation of divorce) to Nurul on Feb 22 via a phone call.
Hafidz and Nurul were married on April 30, 2016 and have two children named Humairah, six, and Umar, two.
● The above article is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with this ' >'sign, it denotes a separate news item.