KUALA LUMPUR: Tensions temporarily ran high in the Dewan Rakyat after Opposition MPs were triggered by the remarks "playing god's job" made by Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.
In what appears to be a thinly-veiled reference to PAS, the Home Minister slammed politicians who were "playing god" after they insinuated that supporting them meant they were supporting Islam while those who opposed them would mean that they were opposing the religion.
"If they support, they are considered faithful and righteous. But if they do not support, it means they are faithless and lack religious principles.
"We are playing god's job. This is another new problem in our country," he said during the winding-up session for the Home Ministry of the Suhakam 2020 Annual Report in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday (June 14).
This triggered PAS lawmaker Zulkifli Ismail (PN-Jasin) who accused Saifuddin of "fitnah" (slander) and "cakap benda mengarut" (talking nonsense).
Zulfikli then accused Saifuddin of acting out of line from his duties as a minister.
"As a minister, you should be giving ideas and ways to solve issues such as the economic crisis, education, culture, and social (aspects).
"Not issuing statements that attempt to worsen the clash between parties," he said.
Saifuddin then stood by his words, and questioned how he had done so by merely stating that Islam was a beautiful, peaceful religion that taught everyone to respect one another.
Jasin responded with, "It is wrong when it has elements of slander and ill-intentions."
A shouting match ensued between both sides prompting RSN Rayer (PH-Jelutong) to raise Standing Order 36(4) to demand that Deputy Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Ramli Mohd Nor order Zulkifli to retract the term "nonsensical" directed at Saifuddin.
After considering the matter, Ramli agreed that the term "nonsensical" was unparliamentary and directed Zulkifli to retract his statement.
"I will not retract it because I did not commit any wrongdoings," replied Zulkifli, before Ramli repeatedly asked whether the Jasin MP intended to challenge his decision.
Zulkifli's open defiance had attracted another round of chaos in the Dewan Rakyat with several government MPs asking the Jasin MP to adhere to the Speaker's ruling.
"Obey the Speaker's order. Don't be uncivilised," said Rayer, which raised the ire of Zulkifli and several other Opposition MPs.
"If you refuse to comply with the ruling, say so. I can refer it to the Rights and Privileges Committee," said Ramli, who remained calm throughout the ordeal.
After repeatedly refusing to retract the statement, Zulkifli reluctantly changed his stance as soon as Ramli was about to make a decision to refer him to the committee.
"Because I am forced to, I retract my statement," said the Jasin MP.