ISKANDAR PUTERI: The combination of Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional is the best way to save Malaysia at this time from narrow-minded views, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
The Prime Minister said this was because the Opposition was attracting support by using “extremist” methods by playing on race and religious issues.
"The government is facing challenges and pressures based on slander and criticism.
“This struggle is more complicated than usual because their incitement arouses emotions, prejudices and hatred instead of using rational considerations.
"This matter is not foreign to the world, especially in Europe, where the rise of neo-nazism and fascism caused many young people to hate minorities, foreigners and other religions.
"So the answer to fight against such narrow-minded ideology is to use the foundation of wisdom and common sense to understand the true spirit of Malaysia," he added.
Anwar, who is Pakatan chairman, said this in his speech during a gathering with the unity government leadership at a hotel here on Friday (Aug 25).
He added with Pakatan’s progressive outlook and Barisan’s administrative experience, the combination, which formed the unity government, was the best vehicle to save Malaysia now.
Anwar also said his administration was committed to ensuring that the rights of the Malays, who are the majority community in Malaysia, remained guaranteed.
"Do not be worried about that, we accept the principles in the Constitution and do not at all belittle, degrade or insult, but be polite with one another.
"Consider all races and religions in Malaysia as a family to save our country," he added.