Malaysia to continue producing science, technology and innovation talent, says deputy minister

KOTA KINABALU: Initiatives are being undertaken to ensure there will be no lack in the talent pool for the science, technology and innovation sector in Malaysia, says Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup.

The Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti) Deputy Minister assured that the government through his ministry would take steps to produce the talent pool needed to meet demands in technology-based industries.

He said that one of those efforts was the Kembara Sains Borneo (KSB) programme, which is an initiative under the National Science Week.

He said the programme that was held for the first time in Sabah was aimed at bridging the interest gap in science among young people while also increasing the popularity in the fields of science, technology and innovation.

“To enable our young people to seize economic opportunities in science, technology and innovation, it starts from the active involvement of our students in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects,” he said.

Kurup was speaking at the opening ceremony of the second series of the KSB 2023 programme in Sabah’s east coast Kalabakan district on Saturday (Sept 23).

Jobs in the fields of science, technology and innovation provide better individual incomes especially for young people in rural areas through a wide range of careers.

He said the government has successfully attracted foreign technology giants such as Infineon Technologies AG, Tesla, AWS and many more to invest in Malaysia.

This will indirectly bring employment opportunities for local people, he added.

“To ensure this can be materialised, Mosti through the National Science Centre (PSN) took proactive steps by organising the KSB Series 2,” he said.

Kalabakan was the second location in Sabah where the programme was held, with Kimanis playing host to the first visit by the KSB Series 2 on Sept 15.

More than 10,000 people attended the event in Kimanis which was held over three days.

Kalabakan MP Datuk Andi Muhammad Suryady Bandy appreciated the initiative taken by the government to make the programme a success in his constituency.

Andi Muhammad, who is also state Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship Assistant Minister, said nearly 2,900 students had attended four side programmes that were held at SK Kukusan, SK Merotai Besar and SMK Merotai Besaron on Sept 20 and 21.

The KSB Series 2 will next visit Pensiangan, of which Kurup is the MP, from Sept 29 to Oct 1. Admission will be free for all.

The programme is organised by the National Science Centre, an agency under the Mosti, with strong support from the Sabah Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, the Sabah Education Department, the District Office and other strategic partners.

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