IPOH: A biscuit and bread factory in Teluk Intan has been raided by the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry for using the halal logo on unapproved products.
The ministry's Perak director Datuk Kamalludin Ismail said its enforcement team raided the Jalan Pasar factory at about 11am on Wednesday (June 26).
He said checks found that it had the approval to place the halal logo on 26 different types of bread and biscuits, but the products seized were not on that list.
“All the packets with the (unauthorised) halal logo were confiscated.
“The case is being investigated under Order 8(a) of the Trade Description (Halal Certification and Marking) Order 2011 because (the manufacturer) described the biscuits it supplies as halal and can be eaten by Muslims,” he said in a statement on Thursday (June 27).
Kamalludin said the matter was considered serious and action would be taken against those who commit offences under the ordinance, as well as those who used unapproved halal logos on their products.
He said anyone with information on such practices can report it to the ministry through WhatsApp at 019-2794317, its portal at https://eaduan.kpdn.gov.my, the call centre at 1 800 886 800, or its mobile app, Ez Adu KPDN.