PUTRAJAYA: There are no plans to prohibit civil servants from using the Telegram social messaging platform, says Fahmi Fadzil.
“Any instructions involving this aspect of security usually is managed under the Chief Government Security Office,” he said in a press conference after the weekly post-Cabinet meeting, which was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof here on Wednesday (Aug 21).
On Monday (Aug 19), foreign press reported that the Amsterdam municipality in the Netherlands banned government employees from using Telegram messenger on work phones due to security concerns.
Meanwhile, Fahmi said obtaining an Applications Service Providers Class (ASP(C)) Licence from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) would only take three to five working days.
The government spokesman said the process would start either October or November this year.
“We guarantee that the social media platform providers that the license is applicable under the ‘class license’ category, so the process is smoother compared to ‘individual license’,” he said, adding that no applications have been made yet.
The Lembah Pantai MP said the ministry and the MCMC would continue engaging all stakeholders, social media platforms, and Internet service providers on licensing matters.