Little patriots set big record

Wheely good: The kindergarten used 560 unwanted motorcycle tyres to make the Jalur Gemilang replica.

ISKANDAR PUTERI: A gigantic Jalur Gemilang crafted by preschoolers using 560 unwanted motorcycle tyres has made it into the Malaysia Book of Records for being the largest replica of the national flag.

Mega Genius Kindergarten headmistress R. Mohanambal said this was the second time the school had made it into the record books.

“We wanted to organise something different each year during the National Month for our children, while also instilling in them a sense of pride and patriotism as Malaysians.

“This year, we decided to craft the Jalur Gemilang using 560 unwanted motorcycle tyres. Last year, we used 2,128 egg trays to create the flag.

“This is one of the ways we teach our children how unwanted items can be repurposed and recycled,” she said when met after the certificate presentation ceremony at Dewan Raya Gelang Patah yesterday.

Mohanambal said 100 children and 150 parents were involved in making the 21.93m-long and 7.61m-wide replica of the flag.

“It took us a month to collect and paint the tyres,” she said, adding that 10 teachers also assisted.

She said in 2022, the kindergarten made a Jalur Gemilang using 2,300 coconut shells and in 2021, they used Rangoli-coloured rice.

“We also held various activities during the Merdeka month such as public speaking and choir performances by our children aged between three and six.

“Next year, we plan to use bottle caps to make the Jalur Gemilang,” she said.

Kok Yeow Wai, 48, a father of four, expressed his support for such events, saying they provided early exposure to patriotism and helped spark children’s interest in the history of the country.

“It’s good that they start at a young age,” he said.

T. Jayaganesh, 39, a father of two, said more such programmes should be organised as they provided meaningful lessons to the children and gave families a chance to spend time together.

“Patriotism is not something that can be easily instilled, which is why it’s important to give them exposure at an early age.

“They will be the ones to continue the celebration of independence as we all grow older.

“Although an event like this is small, it creates memories that will last,” he added.

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