Woman nabbed for selling baby girl

A WOMAN in India, who sold her baby daughter for 100,000 rupees (RM5,145), was arrested along with the buyer and the intermediary, Malaysia Nanban reported.

The “deal” began shortly after A. Nandhini, 22, gave birth to a girl on Aug 14.

Nandhini, who lives in Coimbatore city in Tamil Nadu state with her husband and their three-year-old son, worked in an apparel store along with a co-worker, M. Anitha, who does not have children of her own.

Apparently Anitha approached a mutual friend, V. Devika and asked her to enquire if Nandhini would be willing to sell her the newborn.

As it turned out, Nandhini was willing to part with her baby for 100,000 rupees.

Someone, however, reported the “transaction” to India’s children’s emergency services hotline.

This led to officials visiting Nandhini’s home with the police.

Scared, she confessed about what had happened.

Police retrieved the baby girl and arrested the three women, who have since been charged in court.

The above articles are compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with a >, it denotes a separate news item.

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