State Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Minister Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (left) and deputy state secretary Datuk Hii Chang Kee showing posters of the new requirements for the Sarawak-Malaysia My Second Home programme. - ZULAZHAR SHEBLEE / The Star
KUCHING: Sarawak will start licensing its own Sarawak-Malaysia My Second Home (S-MM2H) agents next year, says state Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Minister Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.
He said this came after the federal Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry empowered his ministry to take charge of local tourism business licences on S-MM2H in a letter dated July 2 this year.
“With this delegation of power, we have been given the authority to decide on the terms and conditions for applicants as well as agents.
“This represents a significant achievement for my ministry in expanding the functionality of the current S-MM2H one-stop centre, not only to the extent of processing applications but also the licensing of S-MM2H agents,” he told a press conference here yesterday.
Abdul Karim said the new licensing requirements for S-MM2H agents would take effect from Jan 1, 2025.
He said agents who want to apply for licensing must be Sarawak-owned companies with no foreigners on their board of directors and a paid-up capital of RM100,000.
“The shareholders must not hold shares in another company that is also a licensed S-MM2H agent. This is because we don’t want a monopoly,” he said.
Existing S-MM2H agents would have to reapply for a licence under Sarawak’s new requirements, he added.
He said 40 agents in the state were previously licensed by the federal Tourism Ministry, but their licences were not renewed pending the delegation of power to Sarawak.
Abdul Karim also said the application requirements for the S-MM2H programme had been enhanced following the delegation of power to his ministry.
Among others, he said participants must place a fixed deposit amount of RM500,000 for each application, including spouse and dependents.
Previously, participants were required to place a fixed deposit amount of RM150,000 for individuals or RM300,000 for couples.
Applicants will also be required to pay a one-off processing fee of RM5,000 to the state Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Ministry.
Abdul Karim said the enhanced requirements would also come into effect on Jan 1 next year.
He said the requirements for applicants and new licensing for agents were approved by the state Cabinet on Oct 24.