GEORGE TOWN: Among the 31 Tenaga Nasional Berhad’s (TNB) monopole transmission towers that align with the iconic Penang Bridge, six will be lit up nightly from 8pm to 4am
"This is the newest landmark in the state, offering stunning views at the bridge and serving as an inviting entrance for visitors arriving in Penang," said the state infrastructure and transport committee chairman Zairil Khir Johari.
He also said that the lights were solar-powered LEDs.
He said the towers have been operational since December 23, and Penang Governor Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak witnessed the first lighting of the LED lights on Dec 31, last year. These LEDs could emit 200 different colours in combination to match special occasions.
The towers, six of which were built with a betel nut style design, were completed in November at the cost of RM500mil. They supply the island with 2,000 megawatt (MW) of electricity to the island side of the state.