KUALA LUMPUR: A government agency director and three company directors were among eight people detained for alleged corruption in commercial vehicle inspections.
Sources said that graft busters nabbed the suspects aged between 30 and 50 in Melaka and the Klang Valley from 9am till noon on Wednesday (Jan 8) in an operation codenamed "Ops Loader".
"All suspects detained were believed to have been involved in activities to acquire letters of approval (STK) for commercial vehicle license (LKP) from an agency without fulfilling requirements set by the Transport Ministry.
"The companies are suspected of conspiring with officers from the agency in falsifying documents to acquire STK for new LKP Carrier License Class permits with payments of RM3,500 for each application.
"The companies will assist any parties to falsify documents such as bank statements as well as manage the application process including for the STK and Vehicle Lifespan Extension letters (SKLU) to enable the commercial vehicles to undergo early inspections with Puspakom," sources said.
Based on Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) intelligence gathering, the bribes imposed were between RM3,000 and RM20,000, depending on the type and age of the vehicle as well as the financial capabilities of the companies who wanted to acquire the LKP, sources added.
Meanwhile, MACC deputy chief commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Khusairi Yahaya confirmed the arrests of the suspects, when contacted.
"The case is being investigated under sections 16 and 17 of the MACC Act.
"All suspects will be brought to the Putrajaya Magistrate's Court for the remand process," he said.