KUALA LUMPUR: Five men linked to a heavy machinery workshop have been acquitted and discharged of the offence of dumping hazardous materials into a river five years ago after the prosecution failed to make a prima facie case.
The Selayang Sessions Court here ordered the release of the four board members and a manager charged with polluting Sungai Gong in Rawang.
Judge Nor Rajiah Mat Zin made the order after finding that the prosecution failed to prove a prima facie case against siblings Yip Kok Wai, 58, Yip Kok Mun, 63, Yip Kok Kuin, 55, and Yip Kok Weng, 65, as well as Ho Voon Leong, 64, Bernama reported.
“After hearing the testimony of the prosecution witnesses and making a maximum assessment, the court ruled that the prosecution failed to prove a prima facie case against the first to fifth accused on both charges against them.
“Therefore, all the accused are acquitted and discharged without calling for their defence,” said the judge and ordered their bail of RM400,000 each and passports to be returned.