PETALING JAYA: A policeman has recounted his experience of landing on the roof of a house in Taiping during a parachuting exercise back in 2022.
In a TikTok post, user @4remark said he expected the worst when he realised he was not going to nail his landing spot.
"I thought I was a goner," he said of the incident after a video of the incident made its rounds on social media.
He added that it was an experience landing on a woman's house and folding his parachute on the roof.
He said he was participating in a parachuting exercise in Perak involving the police's VAT69 commando and Special Action Unit (UTK) units and the Navy's Special Forces (Paskal).
"Good thing the house had a security alarm. I didn't know who recorded the video.
Thank God I survived and was able to do more jumps," he said.
At the time of writing the video had garnered almost 50,000 likes and over 1,250 comments.
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