To a healthier future: Ng (right) showing Lukanisman (left) around at the launch of Vantive in Malaysia, in Kuala Lumpur. — AZLINA ABDULLAH/The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: The number of end-stage kidney disease patients undergoing chronic dialysis could double to more than 106,000 patients by 2040 from 53,000 currently, says Datuk Lukanisman Awang Sauni.
Responding to the rising prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD), the Deputy Health Minister said the ministry has implemented the Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) First Policy, which prioritises a more accessible, convenient method of treatment for patients.
CKD is when the kidneys have become damaged over a prolonged period, and have difficulty performing critical tasks such as removing waste and keeping blood pressure normal.
With the aid of key stakeholders in the renal health community, the ministry hopes that this policy will lead to more equitable and effective care for the five million Malaysians living with CKD.
Speaking at the launch of kidney care product company Vantive here yesterday, Lukanisman said efforts to address the rising prevalence of CKD require a collaborative approach.
“The ministry is open to working with non-governmental organisations, the private sector, and other government agencies, to develop and implement strategies aimed at improving kidney health among Malaysians.
“Continued collaboration between the government, healthcare providers, and industry partners are essential to help to expand access to life-saving therapies and promote early detection and prevention of CKD,” he said.
Lukanisman added that the ministry’s PD First Policy provides kidney disease patients with convenient and cost effective care from home, ensuring patients have better access to treatment and greater flexibility with managing their conditions.
To this end, he said the ministry has allocated a budget to expand access to PD nationwide, and commended Vantive’s role in providing vital organ support therapies like home-based PD, while reiterating the importance of unified, continuous efforts to improve kidney care.
“Together, we can create a future where kidney disease no longer casts a shadow over the lives of Malaysians,” he said.
Initially established as a division under Baxter Kidney Care, Vantive has been operating in Malaysia for 45 years.
Christine Ng, country head of Vantive Malaysia, said the company delivers monthly PD kits to patients all around Malaysia, even those residing in the more rural areas.
“Some of these communities have narrow, unpaved roads that make it difficult to carry out deliveries. Others are only accessible by boat,” she said at the launch event held in conjunction with World Kidney Day on March 13.