QuickCheck: Can eating spicy food kill you?

EVER wondered if eating spicy food could potentially be fatal?

From the infamous spicy instant noodle challenge to our local spicy sambal, Malaysians have a passion for heat-packed dishes.

However, could there be real dangers associated with all that spice? Is death by spicy food a real possibility?



Dr Melvin Look, a surgeon specialising in weight loss and digestive surgeries, explains that our body's pain receptors, known as TRPVI receptors, respond to heat and acidity in spicy foods as a protective measure to prevent harm.

Thus, it is unlikely for our body to risk death from spiciness. For instance, a person weighing 68kg would need to consume about 1.36kg of ghost peppers to reach a dangerous level.

Although eating too much spicy food won't result in death, it can still cause problems.

Dr Look points out that excessive capsaicin intake can lead to issues like heartburn, chest pain, and stomach pain.

If you already have digestive problems, such as acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome, consuming spicy food may worsen these conditions, potentially causing reflux or diarrhea.

Generally, it's advisable to limit your intake to no more than 1/50th of your body weight in hot peppers.

Dr Shim adds that the pleasure many people find in spicy food comes from the endorphins released in response to the pain, which can also create a comforting warming sensation.

Which explains why some people may find it so addictive.

Capsaicin, the compound responsible for the heat in peppers, doesn’t actually burn you but tricks your brain into feeling a temperature change.

So, while spicy food can be exciting and enjoyable, it’s best to consume it in moderation. After all, what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.






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