ABBREVIATIONS are a way to shorten words to make them easier to remember, write, and pronounce.
Unlike initialisms, acronyms can be made up of parts of a word (not just the initial letters) and can be pronounced.
However, some abbreviations are so long that they defy its purpose.
So, is it true that a Malaysian company once held the record for the longest abbreviation?
This company’s name is so long that it has its abbreviation.
Established in 1924 the Syarikat Pekerja-Pekerja Kerajaan Hilir Perak changed its name to Syarikat Pekerja-Pekerja Kerajaan Hilir Perak to Syarikat Orang-Orang Melayu Kerajaan Hilir Perak Bekerja Sama-Sama Kerana Jimat Cermat Simpanan Dan Pinjaman Wang Dengan Tanggungan Berhad shortly after.
Its official abbreviation was SOMKHPSKJCSSDPWDTB.
Today, the company, which is still active, is better known as SKOMK, an abbreviation of its abbreviation.
In 2022, a road in Teluk Intan, Perak, where the company was founded, was renamed Jalan SKOMK as a tourist attraction.