Shridhar Chillal from Pune, India has been growing the nails on his left hand since 1952, when he was 14 years old
Now, in his 80s, Chillal's fingernails hold the Guinness World Record for the longest on a single hand -- with a combined length of 909.6cm.
After spending much of his life with the massive lengths of keratin on his hand, is it true that the man finally decides to cut them off?
They took decades to grow but only a few minutes to get chopped off.
In July 2018, one of the most important chapters in fingernail history came to a close when Chilal 'trimmed' his nails for the first time in 66 years.
A "nail clipping ceremony" was held at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not in New York’s Times Square where a technician equipped with a rotary tool gave him an industrial-strength manicure.
The nails are now displayed at the Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum in Times Square.
He first appeared in Guinness World Records in 1979, and in 2015 he was certified as having the longest nails on a single hand ever.
As Chilal's nails became more delicate due to his age, he wished to preserve them in a museum.
"I have not been able to earn much because of these nails, so my last wish is to get some compensation for it," he said.
When getting his nails cut, Chillal said he was excited and sad at the same time because the nails often attract people's attention, making him feel like a celebrity.
After cutting his nails, all Chillal wanted was to try and get his crooked hand back to its original position.
It was reported that years of growing his nails and the weight of the nails had left his hand permanently handicapped as he cannot open his hand from a closed position or flex his fingers.