It's Just Politics

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It's Just Politics

Who will pardon Najib?

In politics, who is an enemy and who is a friend shifts depending on common interest.

It's Just Politics

Estranged twins need careful handling

The Sulu arbitration hanging over Sabah must be worked out to prevent another violent episode surging across the Sulu Sea.

It's Just Politics

Geopolitical games continue

The claim for payment, or even a ‘return’ of territory, by the self-styled heirs to the Sulu Sultanate persists like an unending nightmare.

It's Just Politics

Zahid’s bright political stars

The stars have been aligned for Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi since the beginning of the year but how long will this last?

It's Just Politics

Ah, the games politicians play

IMAGINE this: Men in drag dancing to the Weather Girls’ hit, It’s Raining Men.

It's Just Politics

Who’s afraid of the big Green Wave?

We might have a ‘unity government’ but we live in a politically divided Malaysia as some politicians seem to be emphatically against any sort of unity or power-sharing.

It's Just Politics

Tok Guru’s crystal ball

What weight should we give the ‘prophecy’ made by the leading Opposition figure?

It's Just Politics

A nightmare on PAS street?

DOES PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang know something we don’t?

It's Just Politics

Poll predictions from an unusual source

The columnist taps an 'analyst' for ideas on Malaysian politics.

It's Just Politics

Out of the mouths of politicians

“MUNGKIN”, meaning “could”, meaning a possibility, can lead to the darnedest statements.

It's Just Politics

True colours shining through?

What will the crucial upcoming state elections reveal about the fragile new Unity Government?

It's Just Politics

The great nepotism debate

Is the controversial appointment of a former MP as a senior government adviser a public relations disaster? Will there be any political fallout from it?

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