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Perikatan’s New Deal – points to ponder
TO say that the last three years have been topsy-turvy is an understatement.
Gerakan's path forward
AMERICAN author, Stephen Kinzer stated that “alliances and partnerships produce stability when they reflect realities and interests.”
A memorable memoir?
Malaysia's usually polarised political discourse has been even more polarised since the release of former attorney general Tan Sri Tommy Thomas' memoirs.
Are lockdowns the answer?
A little over a year ago, we were confronted by a rising political temperature and rumours of a national political equation change. As this happened, many of us were equally concerned over a virus emerging from Wuhan in China.
Debating on the doctrine of basic structure
AFTER an extended break, I have returned to penning this column.
A struggle for normalcy
It has been a while since my last column. I have been preoccupied with my work after the transition from the movement control order (MCO) to the conditional MCO. There was so much left-over from before the MCO that had to be completed when the conditional MCO was implemented.
Planning for the end of lockdowns
AFTER almost two months of movement restriction to varying degrees around the world to curb the outbreak of Covid-19, some governments have started the process of re-opening their countries and easing the "lockdown" restrictions.
MCO musings: A reflection
Everything feels strange, unusual and quite frankly unbelievable. However, there is also a feeling that we have seen it unfold before. On our televisions or in cinemas – we have seen many movies depicting the circumstances unfolding now.
Taking the movement control order seriously
It is the fifth day of the movement control order (MCO) as I write this piece.
Time to stop the political games
THE last couple of months have been very interesting for Gerakan as the party has found itself, perforce, in the political limelight after being in the wilderness since the previous general election.
A political realignment in the offing?
THE last couple of weeks have seen the Malaysian political grapevine working overtime.
Kimanis: A harbinger of messier days
FIRST of all, a very Happy New Year. By-elections are always an exciting affair in Malaysian politics, and like most Westminster-style democracies, they have often been used a barometer of support for the government of the day.