So Aunty, So What?

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So Aunty, So What?

She had a happy death wish

I DIDN’T know her. I still don’t, but her letter made me weep.

So Aunty, So What?

Oscars and our tale of brotherly love

Here's hoping that in a very crowded field, the much lauded Abang Adik can beat its rivals

So Aunty, So What?

Going beyond the lesser of two evils

AM I happy that Donald Trump has been re-elected president of the United States? No. But did the American voters have a real choice? I would say no too.

So Aunty, So What?

Breaking the shield of evil-doers

Whether it’s fame, wealth or religion, none of these should be used to protect criminals or delay justice.

So Aunty, So What?

Recalling Dad’s incredible life

I HAD left it at least 10 years too late, which fills me with profound regret, but I have finally done it: I have edited my late father’s memoirs.

So Aunty, So What?

When the long arm of the law seems too short

With every revelation related to GISB, more questions emerge.

So Aunty, So What?

Will the real Malaysia please stand up?

Stand up and stand for what we are – a beautiful multiracial nation that foreigners love.

So Aunty, So What?

Monkey King rules? You better believe it

SOMETHING huge exploded on Aug 20, 2024, in China, and it has sent shockwaves around the world. But unless you are a player, you might not have felt the impact because the explosion occurred in the video gaming world.

So Aunty, So What?

To be and see like a pineapple

IF Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali has his way, he will replace the papaya as our national fruit with the pineapple.

So Aunty, So What?

The sale of my lifetime

WHEN I decided to organise a garage sale, I never expected it to become such an unforgettable experience. Memorable because it allowed me to meet some really interesting people, and I would be a target of a scam.

So Aunty, So What?

Plenty to sell at Aunty's garage sale, but not to make money

Like it or not, garage sales don't earn a lot – but they do offer fond memories and new friends.

So Aunty, So What?

What to keep, what to discard

That’s the difficult task of clearing a house after moving out.

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