So Aunty, So What?

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So Aunty, So What?

Tag that line, sell that slogan, catch that phrase

TAN Sri Tony Fernandes, our world-famous king of low cost carriers, is on the move, literally, with his latest venture.

So Aunty, So What?

I want my rainbow back

A RAINBOW is truly a sight to behold. No matter how many times we see it, whether after rain, around waterfalls, sea spray or fog, it is magic to behold.

So Aunty, So What?

When Malaya became Malaysia

Shouldn’t that be the more important date to celebrate our nationhood?

So Aunty, So What?

Malaysia: A nation hobbling in stone-filled shoes

If nothing is done, Malaysia will eventually be so crippled we will be left far behind on the world stage.

So Aunty, So What?

The high stakes in my state

SO there are non-Malay voters who are disappointed with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Harapan-led unity government, and they intend to abstain from voting in Saturday’s state election.

So Aunty, So What?

This sledgehammer missed the target

UP until a few days ago, I had never heard of the UK band called The 1975. And I would have remained in ignorant bliss if not for the huge controversy stemming from their shocking behaviour during their performance at the Good Vibes Festival.

So Aunty, So What?

Dr M doesn’t love me after all

And the feeling is mutual after he said some very bad things about his fellow citizens.

So Aunty, So What?

The devious cousin of inflation

I AM a careful shopper. I like to read labels on food packaging to check the ingredients, expiry dates and the weight to make sure I get the best value for my buck. For the most part, I will give the manufacturers the benefit of the doubt and trust what is labelled is true.

So Aunty, So What?

Losing heart over mandatory AEDs?

These life-saving devices go hand in hand with CPR, so what’s happened to the decision that they must be installed in public places by law?

So Aunty, So What?

The aunty takes a hike, a very long one!

I CAME, I saw, I climbed, but I did not conquer the mountain. In the end, I was defeated by fatigue and an aching knee.

So Aunty, So What?

Long time no see, huh?

After a three-year forced separation, Aunty finally revisits a beloved old haunt.

So Aunty, So What?

Hail to our sporting heroes

The competition is fierce and expensive but done right, sports can be a tremendous unifying force which is what our nation needs.

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