Closure: ‘A bringing to an end; aconclusion... A feeling of finality orresolution, especially after a traumaticexperience,’ ( Well, May 13,1969, was truly a traumatic experience forMalaysia. Yet 39 years later, there is stillno proper closure. Instead, the incident hashaunted the nation these past fourdecades. Just the mention of ‘May 13’invokes shudders and nervous glances. It isour national ‘code’ for violent racialmeltdown, especially among the oldergeneration. Isn’t it time to finally breakthe code?
WHEN news of the March 8 general election results broke, Opposition supporters were understandably jubilant at what was their best showing in the nation’s 51-year history. Yet, the sentiment on the ground was very much one of restraint. Supporters were urged not to go out and celebrate, but rather to maintain a low profile.