What's Your Status?

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What's Your Status?

Guarding our nation: An immigrant’s story

IN CONJUNCTION with our National Day celebrations, I speak with a Nepali security guard about his Malaysian experience and discover a fascinating journey

What's Your Status?

What it takes to excel in interviews: A Corporate Fellowship experience

I HAD the unique opportunity to lead interviews with about 40 Malaysian graduates and students for the Corporate Fellowship programme recently.

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The prof with the pearls: An education icon we can all be proud of

Danial Rahman had the privilege of sitting down with Prof Asma last week to ask her about this recognition, her life, career and the future.

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Real challenges in surreal times

CONSIDER the following scenarios: As countries ease Covid-19 restrictions and reopen borders to international visitors and trade, Russian tanks have rolled into Ukraine, triggering a conflict of which no one knows how it’ll end.

What's Your Status?

Floods: Rising above just managing

Six years ago, in January 2015, I wrote about the unprecedented floods that happened in Kelantan. Then working with the Ministry of Education, we took part in relief efforts at various affected schools being carried out by teachers, university lecturers, and students from schools, polytechnics, community colleges and universities. (You can read it here: www.thestar.com.my/opinion/online-exclusive/whats-your-status/2015/01/08/kelantan-floods).

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Financial 'Squid Game': Malaysian edition

THE TV series Squid Game has taken the world, and Malaysia, by storm. It also recently became Netflix’s most popular original show.

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Climate change and the future of our nation

As we celebrate Hari Kebangsaan and Malaysia Day, the 6th IPCC Report is a stark reminder that climate change changes the dynamics of freedom and our future

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The white flag of (mental) strength, not surrender

When faced with mental, financial or physical stress, Malaysians are able to rise above – with a little help.

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Get vaccinated, save lives

MY wife and I received our AstraZeneca vaccination last week at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL)

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Lessons from my mother, the journalist

“Why don’t you write about your mother? I think it’s timely as we recently celebrated

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Five #KitaJagaKita pointers for social work with Syed Azmi Alhabshi

#KitaJagaKita has evolved into a rallying call to each and every Malaysian and during a recent catch-up, advocate-extraordinaire Syed Azmi Alhabshi shared some insightful observations on how to help.

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Behind the scenes at MOF in this extraordinary year

Reflecting on the intense year that has been, my year-end column will share some behind the scenes (#BTS) snippets of the tremendous role these bureaucrats have played in navigating Covid-19.

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