Behind The Headlines

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Behind The Headlines

Trapped by history

From the colonial era to the Cold War period to the present, some old, outdated attitudes that are divisive, harmful and regressive still linger.

Behind The Headlines

Double standards as norm

Many countries can do a lot better than look to the rich and powerful among them which observe only the law of the jungle.

Behind The Headlines

Davos one more time

After more than four decades, the World Economic Forum has been established as an institution and like an entrenched institution it has begun to creak uncomfortably.

Behind The Headlines

Multipolarity sets in

The world looks more confusing today because of growing democracy among nations, with power shared more widely instead of being concentrated in one or two hyper-powerful countries.

Behind The Headlines

Old whines in new bothers

Asean will continue to be important for South-East Asia, at least for as long as countries in this region remain beset with old challenges – as new ones emerge.

Behind The Headlines

Party in full swing

Despite early speculation over China’s new leadership lineup, the reasonable result still surprised many.

Behind The Headlines

Will history be repeated?

ROBERT Mugabe’s dramatic fall from grace as Zimbabwe’s strongman is only part of a vast, unfolding tapestry.

Behind The Headlines

Will history be repeated?

ROBERT Mugabe’s dramatic fall from grace as Zimbabwe’s strongman is only part of a vast, unfolding tapestry.

Behind The Headlines

Mr Trump goes to Asia

Many issues await Trump the novice guest and visitor in East Asia, but he only needs to stay on message and not fluff his lines.

Behind The Headlines

The 'fire' next time

MAY 23 was a watershed for the Philippines and international terrorism. But the times have changed considerably since.

Behind The Headlines

Sea claims not well grounded

Territorial claims on the South China Sea by China the regional behemoth may be overdone, but expectations of the ease of settling the various disputes are also overblown.

Behind The Headlines

Same-same, but different

After much talk of changes in German politics amid undercurrents of ditching the current government, the status quo still holds considerable sway for now at least.

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