Behind The Headlines

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Behind The Headlines

Between two ideals

After all the claims and recriminations over the Iran nuclear deal, it boils down to whether a country really wants to have a deal or not.

Behind The Headlines

Seizing the Eurasian moment

While the West is distracted in the Gulf region and Ukraine, moves are afoot in parts of Asia and Europe to empower emerging regions in the future.

Behind The Headlines

Learning from the EU

The European Union remains the world’s most successful regional organisation, for now, even when Europe is experiencing possibly its worst twin crises.

Behind The Headlines

Vigilance still the key

SOUTH-EAST Asia still holds the promise of peace, stability and prosperity, but this familiar condition now requires an unfamiliar caution.

Behind The Headlines

The problem is the state

The litmus test of how governments and populations treat refugees and how Myanmar treats minority groups, is the pathetic plight of the Rohingya.

Behind The Headlines

Osama died ‘for Obama’s glory’

Where conspiracy practice has already become widespread, typically for selfish and cynical purposes, conspiracy theories themselves are no longer necessary.

Behind The Headlines

Unleashing Asean in the world

Despite problems among some countries in the region, Asean can be a catalyst for positive change when its citizens develop a shared sense of purpose.

Behind The Headlines

Regional issues in context

To appreciate how issues today had developed from the past is also to understand how they are likely to develop in the future.

Behind The Headlines

Asian development to the fore

Asia’s need for better infrastructure and more development is too important to be held to ransom by outdated big power politics and petty posturing.

Behind The Headlines

How to lose to terror

Countries supposedly fighting Da’ish (Islamic State) militants can begin to succeed only if they can acknowledge their weaknesses and errors, which still seems unlikely.

Behind The Headlines

Mistaken policies, missed chances

There is no new Cold War, at least not yet, unless the West is determined to pursue it over all other needs.

Behind The Headlines

Clarity amid the doubt

EVEN before Said and Cherif Kouachi had claimed allegiance to “al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” (AQAP) earlier this month in Paris, the network of transnational terrorism had been hazy enough.

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