THERE is a degree of disquiet within a segment of the Muslim populace over the landmark decision of the Federal Court on Jan 29, nullifying unilateral conversions of minors to Islam and affirming that the consent of both parents is required. This is because the majority position in Islamic law is that the child follows the religion of the parent who has converted to Islam, be it the father or mother.
However, if the Federal Court decision is viewed from the perspective of the underlying values and principles of the Quran and the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), it makes a lot of sense. The wellbeing of the child is paramount in Islam. In concrete language, a two-month-old baby who is being breast-fed should remain with her non-Muslim mother even if the father has embraced Islam. In this case, it is not the religious identity of the baby that should be given priority. The bond between mother and child, which the Quran treasures, is of utmost importance.