MY heart always resonates with what I read in Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin’s column in The Star. This time, it is in resonance with his article “Universities and rebuilding of Malaysia” (March 17). He has said what I wanted to express for a long time: “If Malaysians want real change, they must do it themselves instead of pinning their hopes on the likes of public institutions and political parties.”
I concur with Prof Tajuddin’s observation: “After so many years of watching politics in this country, I can safely say that elections alone can never lead to any real change.” This is especially true in an under-developed society. I tend to think that elections are only a necessary evil to keep the so-called democratic system running in our country. Very often, in the fervour of a national election, rational and fair-minded citizens were outvoted by those who cast their votes based on emotion, herd instinct and racial feeling.