If Malaysia deserves better, it really could do without the political mess we had seen in the past few days. The Pandora Papers, the Melaka political crisis, and the tragic death of a CEO in Penang – cases which, in this day and age, should not have happened. We are a country emerging from probably the worst crisis in living memory. We don’t need backpedaling politicians.
In opposition fashion, once-in-government MPs waived the Pandora Papers on Oct 3, playing the role of supposed watchdog again. Correct, they exposed how some of the world’s rich and powerful hide their assets. True, some Malaysians implicated have links to the government. However, the opposition’s cherry-picking approach had conveniently left out the fact that among those implicated were a former treasurer of the PKR, and the chairman of the Council of Eminent Persons in-charge of advising Pakatan Harapan’s new ‘government of reform’ in 2018. If one is held accountable, all should be held accountable.