THE Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) Penang Division believes that Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan’s announcement that selected economic sectors, such as tourism, the informal sectors and those that have suffered losses due to the impact of Covid-19, would be exempted from the implementation of the proposed minimum wage of RM1,500, is misplaced.
In the first instance, the underlying objective of a national minimum wage is premised upon the principle that all wage earners, irrespective of the economic sectors they are involved in, ought to be paid a decent minimum wage. This is for the simple reason that any wage below the national minimum wage would only result in a mismatch of minimum wage levels among the different economic sectors. Common sense dictates that the government cannot cherry pick among sectors when it comes to such a fundamental issue as a national minimum wage. In our view, a national minimum wage must be enforced holistically and not selectively.