BEIJING (SCMP): A 17-year-old girl from China's Yi minority acted as a surrogate mother and egg provider for a 50-year-old man who allegedly paid her more than 900,000 yuan (US$124,000) to conceive twin boys.
KUALA LUMPUR: Two people have pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here to a charge of giving a RM17,000 bribe to a registration assistant at the National Registration Department (NRD) in Putrajaya to obtain a birth certificate.
KUALA LUMPUR: The syndicate that deceived the National Registration Department (NRD) into issuing legitimate birth certificates – using forged documents and fraudsters posing as relatives – is believed to have charged parents with adopted or stateless children up to RM50,000 each.
PETALING JAYA: More arrests will be made in relation to the uncovering of the syndicate that produces forged documents to enable the application of Malaysian birth certificates, says Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.
PUTRAJAYA: The National Registration Department (NRD) managed to expose the modus operandi of a syndicate that brazenly registered 80 birth certificates through it using fake documents over the last three years.
KUALA LUMPUR: Two people have pled not guilty in the Sessions Court here to a charge of giving a bribe amounting to RM17,000 to a registration assistant at the National Registration Department (NRD) in Putrajaya to facilitate a birth certificate application using forged supporting documents.
KUALA LUMPUR: The legal practitioner arrested over corruption related to birth registration is suspected of processing birth certificate applications after receiving payment from applicants.
PUTRAJAYA: A syndicate has been found using forged documents to register undocumented children, some of whom may have been smuggled from overseas.
PETALING JAYA: Enhanced integrated verification procedures between hospitals and the National Registration Department (NRD) could minimise the risk of fraudulent birth registrations, says a non-governmental organisation.
KUALA LUMPUR: A civil servant has been arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes ranging from RM10,000 to RM15,000 for each birth certificate issued.
PETALING JAYA: The risk of fake birth certificates contributing to human trafficking, particularly involving children, is a serious concern, according to human rights groups.
PETALING JAYA: An Indonesian woman has been arrested after she allegedly used a forged Malaysian identity card (MyKad) and birth certificate to run a business in Kuantan, Pahang.
AN IDENTIFICATION document refers to any document that verifies a person’s identity. In Malaysia, the MyKad and birth certificate serve as means to confirm that government assistance reaches its intended beneficiaries.
SERDANG: A three-year-old child has been found safe after she was spotted walking alone in the early morning after wandering out of her home.
IT'S NOT unusual for official documents to become the talk of social media, but not all of them are genuine.
KOTA KINABALU: A retired preschool teacher and her younger sister are left with only the clothes on their backs after their wooden stilt house at Sim-Sim, Sandakan, collapsed just days before Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
PETALING JAYA: A stateless man, who says he was born to a Malaysian mother in an estate in Perak, is asking the government to grant him citizenship.
Individuals, or more likely syndicates, are using the country’s late registration of birth system to enable unwanted foreigners, most of them Chinese, to obtain valid Philippine identification documents.
MANILA: A parallel investigation into the proliferation of fake birth certificates and abuse of the late birth registration system in the country has been sought in the Senate.